Sponsor the 3rd Annual
Meso Run/Walk!
We invite you to sponsor the 2021 Mother’s Day Weekend Meso Run on Saturday, May 8, 2021 to help fight mesothelioma. We aim to raise awareness of mesothelioma and to support research and treatments through contributions to organizations directly involved in that research. In 2018 and 2019, we supported the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to eradicating the life-ending and vicious effects of mesothelioma by funding critically-needed research on effective treatments and providing patients with support and education.
For 2021, we are excited to support the Meso Foundation again. Sponsorship donations are tax deductible, as permitted by law.
How to become a sponsor:
Please fill out the form at the link above on or before April 15, 2020.
We will be in touch right away to follow up about your sponsorship.
We encourage contributions via checks to avoid processing fees. Please make checks out to Mother's Day Meso Run and send to the address at the bottom of the page.
However, if you would prefer to contribute electronically, you may do so at this link (but note that there is a processing fee).
Either way, please be sure to fill out the form here.
Sponsorship categories:
We welcome sponsorships in any amount and would love to thank you by including your name on our website. For those wishing to donate more, we provide:
Honor Roll: $125
Name on website
50% off 1 race registration*
Silver: $500​​​​
Name/Logo on event banner
Name/Logo on website
Name/Logo on event T-Shirt
2 free race registrations, including T-Shirts*
Bronze: $250
Name on website
Name on event T-Shirt
1 free race registration, including T-Shirt*
Gold: $1,000
Live recognition at the Event
Name/Logo on event banner
Name/Logo highlighted on website
Name/Logo highlighted on event T-Shirt
4 free race registrations, including T-Shirts*
Platinum: $2,000
Platinum Sponsor Award Presented at the Event
Name/Logo on event banner
Name/Logo highlighted on website
Name/Logo highlighted on event T-Shirt
8 free race registrations, including T-Shirts*
In-Kind: (race goodie bags and their contents, awards/raffle prices, pre/post-race refreshments, signage, water stop provisions, general equipment rentals, etc.)
Name/Logo on website
Name/Logo on event T-Shirt
* We will send you a discount code once you become a sponsor. Note that the tax-deductible portion of your donation will decrease by the fair market value of these registrations and t-shirts.